Another chapter ending in my life

"the uniform I love is the uniform that saves me and is killing me" has been a statement I have written many times over the years. I posted on social media a few weeks ago now to say that I would not be coming back to my job as a community dialysis nurse. I would… Continue reading Another chapter ending in my life

Is severe asthma different to asthma?

In my last blog post I mentioned how I met some other people with severe asthma at a BLF-AUK event where we had a conversation about asthma and severe asthma. It may have the same mechanisms in that it is a condition where the airways become inflamed and irritated causing difficulty breathing but here ends… Continue reading Is severe asthma different to asthma?

A year on monoclonal antibody treatment

I can't believe it is a year since I started on mepolizumab (mepo) a monoclonal anti body treatment to suppress my eosinophils in a bid to help my asthma. The big question is as it helped? I am not sure. My consultant seems to think it has and I am to continue on it. My… Continue reading A year on monoclonal antibody treatment